Feminist Quotes.

A few quotes from feminists for anyone who still thinks that feminism is not about hatred. Remember most of those quoted below are “moderate feminists.”

Perhaps women have always been in closer contact with reality than men: it would seem to be the just recompense for being deprived of idealism
(Germaine Greer)

I feel that ‘man-hating’ is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.
(Robin Morgan)

The nuclear family must be destroyed… Whatever its ultimate meaning, the break-up of families now is an objectively revolutionary process.
(Linda Gordon)

Since marriage constitutes slavery for women, it is clear that the women’s movement must concentrate on attacking this institution. Freedom for women cannot be won without the abolition of marriage.
(Sheila Cronin NOW)
The real theater of the sex war is the domestic hearth
(Germaine Greer)

Rape is nothing more or less than a conscious process of intimidation by which all men keep all women in a state of fear
(Susan Brownmiller)

All sex, even consensual sex between a married couple, is an act of violence perpetrated against a woman.
(Catherine MacKinnon)

there must be a decontamination of the Earth. I think this will be accompanied by an evolutionary process that will result in a drastic reduction of the population of males.
(Mary Daly)

Men who are unjustly accused of rape can sometimes gain from the experience.” –
(Catherine Comins)

I think that testosterone is a rare poison.
(Germaine Greer)

The house wife is an unpaid employee in her husband’s house in return for the security of being a permanent employee.
(Germaine Greer)

I believe that women have a capacity for understanding and compassion which man structurally does not have, does not have it because he cannot have it. He’s just incapable of it.
(Barbara Jordan)

Until now it has been thought that the level of testosterone in men is normal simply because they have it. But if you consider how abnormal their behavior is, then you are led to the hypothesis that almost all men are suffering from “testosterone poisoning.”
(The Feminist Dictionary Pandora Press)

Being a housewife is an illegitimate profession… The choice to serve and be protected and plan towards being a family- maker is a choice that shouldn’t be.
(Vivian Gornick)

We are, as a sex, infinitely superior to men.
(Elizabeth Cady Stanton)

Women have very little idea of how much men hate them.(Germaine Greer)
MALE:…represents a variant of or deviation from the category of female. The first males were mutants…the male sex represents a degeneration and deformity of the female.
(The Feminist Dictionary Pandora Press)

Men’s sexuality is mean and violent.
(Judith Levine)

I’m a big fan of just banning MRAs. They have nothing of value to add to a conversation.
(Amanda Marcotte)

MAN:…an obsolete life form… an ordinary creature who needs to be watched…a contradictory baby-man.
(The Feminist Dictionary Pandora Press)

Marriage has existed for the benefit of men; and has been a legally sanctioned method of control over women…. We must work to destroy it. The end of the institution of marriage is a necessary condition for the liberation of women. Therefore it is important for us to encourage women to leave their husbands and not to live individually with men…. All of history must be re-written in terms of oppression of women. (The Declaration of Feminism)

I am likely to define my task as largely one of recruitment…of persuading students that women are oppressed
(Joyce Trebilcot)

There are no boundaries between affectionate sex and slavery in the male world.
(Judith Levine)

Housewives are dependent creatures who are still children – parasites.
(Gloria Steinem)

“Man’s discovery that his genitalia could serve as a weapon to generate fear must rank as one of the most important discoveries of prehistoric times.
(Susan Brownmiller)

I have a great deal of difficulty with the idea of the ideal man. As far as I’m concerned, men are the product of a damaged gene.
(Germaine Greer)

AIDS education will not get very far until young men are taught how not to rape young women.
(Naomi Wolf)

How will the family unit be destroyed? .The demand alone will throw the whole ideology of the family into question, so that women can begin establishing a community of work with each other and we can fight collectively. Women will feel freer to leave their husbands and become economically independent, either through a job or welfare.
(Roxanne Dunbar)

But remember – feminism is NOT a hate movement.

15 thoughts on “Feminist Quotes.

    • All ideologies are carried by a small number of authors, propagandists and leaders. The radical Second Wave was ld by more than a handful of authors, starting with Robin Morgan, Kate Millet, Gloria Steinem and Germaine Greer.

  1. Yes I know UKJane. Gloria Steinem, Germaine Greer, Naomi Woolf, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan Brownmiller: None of them are “real feminists.” Would you mind telling who exactly is a “real feminist?”

    • Obama was a ‘real’ feminist, haha! Seriously, hey Lana it’s AlphaBetaSoup from Experience Project! I very much enjoyed the topics we spoke about back then and will tell you again how much value I took from that. Remember gumshoejane, DenteAvvelenato or gypsyblu? So sad EP closed down. Hope to hear from you soon and remember – don’t capitalize the word ‘feminist’ because you’re only supposed to capitalize proper nouns, and feminism isn’t a proper anything.

  2. These quotes are actually quite scary. What is in the minds of these people? It is no wonder that many feminists don’t like to talk.

  3. I agree UKJane. A few random quotes from a handful of women do not represent an entire movement.

  4. This is quite the eye-opener, and it shouldn’t be because these people are all well known leaders of the feminist movement.

  5. A handful of women who influence and indoctrinate millions to drink their mind killing poison…..“Feminism, Socialism, and Communism are one in the same, and Socialist/Communist government is the goal of feminism.” – Catharine A. MacKinnon (Prominent legal feminist scholar; University of Michigan, & Yale.)

  6. Crazy feminists. I’m glad we live in a world that isn’t ruled by women. Imagine the wars we’d all start? If the world were filled with just women, it would be practically non existent!

  7. These people are undermining God and over ruling his dominion over his children. That is the role of Communism and its child feminism

    • Yet the USSR was no feminist paradise, except that many/most employers looked the other way when a woman was absent from her job in order to stand in line in some shop.

  8. The only authors of the above quotes that I would deem “moderate” are Naomi Wolf (the mother of two sons, who is clearly heterosexual). Germaine Greer is hard to pin down, especially the author of a book that has been passed over in silence for 35 years, Sex and Destiny: The Politics of Human Fertility. In her “All About Women” (2015), Greer wrote: “I’ve always been a liberation feminist. I’m not an equality feminist. I think that’s a profoundly conservative aim, and it wouldn’t change anything. It would just mean that women were implicated.”
    Erin Pizzey has claimed on YouTube that her friend Susan Brownmiller no longer agrees with the radical feminism she articulated in Against Our Will but is too scared of the backlash she would get were she to recant her earlier beliefs.
    Does Roxanne Dunbar really believe that welfare is a path to economic independence???
    By 1970, when the radical character of most of the Second Wave was clear, every founder of the first wave, including Stanton, qualified as a moderate.
    Barbara Jordan was a moderate, when compared to Bella Abzug or Robin Morgan.

  9. “The house wife is an unpaid employee in her husband’s house in return for the security of being a permanent employee.” (Germaine Greer).
    I assume that housewife is a dated synonym for SAHM (Stay At Home Mum). She is “unpaid,” but gets to spend a fair amount of money she does not earn. Power derives not so much from the ability to earn money as the ability to spend the money another has earned.
    Wives without paid employment should insist that their husbands “pay” them as follows:
    * Contribute the maximum possible every year to a retirement fund;
    * Pay for her health insurance via payroll deductions.
    No woman should agree to marry a man unless he promises to have the family residence be a joint tenancy in common with right of survivorship. The family residence should never be merely “his” house.
    In the Romance language countries, where family law is grounded in a pertinent Napoleonic Code, one cannot disinherit one’s spouse. It is my understanding that something similar prevails in the common law countries. At any rate, quite a few elderly women are rich widows.
    Before easy divorce (introduced by that supposed arch-conservative, Ronald Reagan, in 1967 California), marriage afforded a fair amount of legitimate economic security. In the 1970s, the word was that alimony was on its way out. Now it is alive and well, under the name “maintenance”. It is well established that a wife is entitled to half of her husband’s retirement money.

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